
100711 Jaejoong Completes Recording, Shows Off Sexy Tattoo But Looks Frail

「Sexy Tattoo But Looks Frail」





不过美国之行似乎风波不断,6月30日好友朴龙河在首尔家中自杀身亡的噩耗传出后,给三子的冲击不小。金俊秀因身体疲劳加上痛失好友的难过,突然病倒—— 高烧一度超过40度,金在中与朴有天随即亦暂时中止新专辑的录制,与金俊秀一起专心静养一段时间后再重新投入到录音工作。









恩 秀秀看起來不錯 發燒應該是好了吧…




下面是別人的留言 留言來源

At first I was mad at them.
For leaving DBSK and creating this JYJ thing.
But then I see their tiresome faces,it just breaks my heart.
I want them back with homin:(
I know they want to sing again.
But how is it still enjoyable when two of their best friends are in Korea doing separate things?
I want them all together.
I love them all equally and it's just not the same with JYJ.
And I know JYJ worked really hard on their upcoming album.
It just makes me sader.
Please stop.Please get back together...

  I love them all equally but it's just not the same with JYJ.

  how is it still enjoyable when two of their best friends are in Korea doing separate things?


她發了好幾篇痛徹心扉的內容 每字每句都是伴隨著淌血的心、哭嚎的神色、窒息的無奈……

Just seeing them all are fine that's enough for me.
"Always keep the faith" is always something remind me anytime I feel sad, feel bad that DBSK cannot be back together right now and how much pain they're suffering.
God gave them a chance to meet to live to love each other , I believe God will lead them be back together again , I believe that. God bless DBSK .

  how much pain they're suffering

  God gave them a chance to meet to live to love each other

I'll support them no matter how long it takes & I will wait with FAITH that they will be back together ;) They are 'family' after all...

I feel sad at she-who-must-not-be-named's comment......

I agreed that I or we really want them to get back together, but I dont think it was enjoyable for them to do activities without the other two members.

They cried their heart out during the Thanksgiving concert because they missed the two, so it is sad for them to do activities alone.

They want to sing because that is their own dream, they want to perform, that is why they became singers and plus they dont want to disappoint their fans.

Yoochun thought of giving it all up, but he continue because he know that we still believe in them from our videos and such.

I also agreed with everybody else, we cannot do anything but believe in them and supports them on the path that they've chosen.

I'm just glad that they are still singing and healthy. HOPE TO THE END.

  They want to sing because that is their own dream, they want to perform, that is why they became singers and plus they dont want to disappoint their fans

  we cannot do anything but believe in them and supports them on the path that they've chosen

  I'm just glad that they are still singing and healthy


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